Paul Jones, whose real first name is John, is
not to be confused with the admiral of the same name nor with the
Led Zeppelin bassist. This John Paul Jones was "Mr Sports" for more
than forty years in the Beaver Area. 'Retired' at age 75 he was still
active as a tennis instructor at St Petersburg, Florida. Paul was a star
athlete in his younger days, particularly in football at Beaver High
School and Franklin and Marshall College, but it was as a community
recreation director for both children and adults that he is best
known in the Beaver Area and throughout Beaver County. Just to keep
busy, Paul was also active for many years as a referee of high school
and college football games. His famous PJ's Boys Baseball Team was
well-known in the 1920s long before there was any such thing as
Little League baseball. He also managed American Legion baseball,
midget football and basketball, boys' basketball on all age levels,
intramural basketball, and the Beaver Out of School Youth (OSY)
Basketball League. Paul also coached tennis for many years for both
young people and adults and his tennis programs helped develop many
outstanding players who later formed the nucleus for Beaver Area
High School’s strong tennis teams after the sport was started there
in the 1950s. The high school tennis courts now bear his name, as
does the Beaver Basketeers annual Paul Jones Basketball Scholarship. |