David (Wils)
Merriman could be called an innovator. As a football official in the
early twentieth century, he was certainly known for his dedication
to fair play and sportsmanship. Wils started
refereeing in 1907 and continued through the 1940 season. During that
tenure, he worked games involving some of the all time greats, and
for the most part was one in a two man officiating crew. Wils is
believed to be the first referee to position himself on the playing
field instead of the sidelines, which had been the previous custom,
and he also officiated the first game in which players wore numbered
jerseys. Wils was in demand throughout the nation and worked games at
Notre Dame, Pitt, Navy, Georgia Tech, and Carlisle. He referred in
the Orange Blossom Bowl, the forerunner to the Orange Bowl, when
Geneva played Oglethorpe, and also refereed many high school
games and was a basketball referee for 26 years. Wils was born in
1882 and died in 1966. |